Overworld is a game that blends elements of science-fiction and fantasy seamlessly, without losing the key elements of either genre. Based on Heroes Die and Blade of Tyshalle by Matthew Woodring Stover, Fading Suns by Holistic Designs, and Dune by Frank Herbert, Overworld takes place on a world torn by strife and continual war; a world in search of heroes.

Utilizing a fresh melange of familiar concepts and backgrounds, Overworld is intended to give the players a unique gaming experience in a unique gaming world. Previous experience with any of the source material is not required. However, all of the sources are excellent media for consumption- feel free to use them to help get an idea of what the flavor of the world is like.

Please browse the site and the encyclopedia for more information about the game, and if it interests you, feel free to submit an application to play.


the game

Overworld uses a combination of Fate Accelerated and Swords of the Serpentine. More...


the setting

Overworld uses the concept of a dual-setting- two separate environments in one unified game. More...


the pitch

With a focus on storytelling, Overworld needs players that are skilled writers in addition to committed roleplayers. More...


Copyright (c) 2023 Chuck Dee. All rights reserved.